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Dodano: 2005-06-08 00:00, Autor: kb, Kategoria: Wydarzenia, Liczba wyświetleń: 4022


Odpowiedzi Redhouse'a - polskie tłumaczenie

Koledzy z PPA przetłumaczyli odpowiedzi jakich udzielił Alan Redhouse z firmy Eyetech (producent nowych modeli komputerów Amiga) na pytania zadane przez amigowców. Ciekawa i pouczająca lektura, dla tych, którzy nie czytali jeszcze angielskiej wersji tekstu.

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komentarz #1 wysłany: 2005-06-08 22:57

Pewne wazne uzupelnienie z aw.net:

Please read Alan's answer again. Most people I guess hook up on this line:

No new board designs will be made (by us at any rate) specifically for the 'Amiga Enthusiast' market. It just simply is not viable given the tiny potential sales.

It does most specifically NOT say that no AmigaOne's will be produced anymore... What he said is they will not design *new* boards for the Amiga market *only*; it does not exclude new mainboards that may be sold into the Amiga market as well.

He also said

>We hold all the schematics and build files and (obviously) the licence to continue to build existing A1 products using the board manufacturer of our choice.

indicating that they have the possibility to go on to produce the boards even on their own accord.

Hans-Jörg Frieden, Hyperion Entertainment.

link: http://amigaworld.net/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=12881&forum=14


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